20 May

An active child is a sign of a healthy child. However, when your child is active, you must also be worried about taking care of him. So that you are free to worry when accompanying your child, make sure you always take care of it this way!

1. Make sure the child is always under supervision

When the child is active, make sure there is an adult watching him, Moms. It is not necessary to always accompany the child from a very close distance. For example, when your little one is playing with his friends, you can watch him from afar. But make sure not to let your guard down, Moms.

2. Keep your little one away from the power source

For parents, one of the things in the house that makes them cringe is the power plug. Children who have high curiosity often think of electric plugs as toys. In fact, electric plugs are very dangerous because they can electrocute children.

To avoid things like this, Moms should start teaching children about the dangers of electricity from an early age. In addition, keep your little one away from a power source. Cover plugs that are not in use with a special cover so your little one can't touch them. Moms can also put drawers to cover the plugs so they don't attract the attention of your little one.

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