17 Jun

Temon Working from home during the pandemic has brought parents closer to their children. But on the other hand, the physical and mental health of children is a homework that must be faced by many parents during the pandemic. Are you also one of those who experience it?Staying at home during the pandemic makes children feel bored and bored. Children can no longer go to school or play freely outside the home with their friends. Of course, this can trigger stress in children which has an impact on their mental health.

Here are 5 things parents need to pay attention to during a pandemic.
1. Family physical health
During the pandemic, physical health is something that must be considered. Always take care of your nutritional intake and family lifestyle so you don't get sick easily. Do physical activity with family members at home and maintain your immune system by consuming enough vitamins.

2. Family mental health
You should also pay attention to the mental health of your family. Moody children are more easily stressed and susceptible to disease. On the other hand, happy children have a strong immune system so they don't get sick easily. Create a warm home atmosphere so your little one feels safe and comfortable at home.

3. How to teach children to socialize during a pandemic
Don't forget to teach your little one how to socialize so that he can easily adapt to his environment. While at home, children rarely meet other people. So that their social skills are not well developed.
To overcome this, Moms can invite your little one to play with other family members. Such as role playing, playing snakes and ladders, or just making video calls with family and relatives.

4. Overcoming boredom and boredom at home
Boredom and boredom while at home makes it easier for children to be fussy, emotional and cry. Stress in children has an impact on their mental health. Your child is also more susceptible to disease due to decreased immune system due to stress.

When your child feels bored, invite him to do activities that can attract his attention. Like gardening, making cakes together, or just asking him to play chase. Not only eliminating boredom, children also feel more cared for by their parents.

5. Dividing time for family and
WFH work or working from home is enough to take up your time at home. Most of the time is spent completing office tasks. This can make your little one feel neglected and unnoticed. Instead, Moms divide time for work and family. For example, when your little one is doing his schoolwork, make sure you are always there to help.

6. Ensure that the child's growth and development is not disturbed.
Ensure that the child's growth and development is not disturbed during the pandemic. Maintain a healthy diet by providing nutrient-rich foods to meet the daily nutritional needs of children. In addition, invite your little one to stay active even if only at home.

Parents do need to work harder to take care of their families during the pandemic. If your child's health is disturbed, try to overcome it yourself first with drugs specifically intended for children. Choose a drug with a safe composition, ie without the addition of alcohol. Then, Moms need to read the drug recommendation label carefully before giving it to children.

For first aid when your child is sick, you can prepare safe and quality medicines from Konimex .

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